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dinsdag 6 september 2011

AH recept: Kip met basilicum - hazelnootolie

Kip met basilicum-hazelnootolie
hoofdgerecht- bereiden25min,wachten
20min- 4personen

2 zakjes puntpaprika (a 2 stuks) 2 rode uien, in parten 8 el hazelnootolie 25 g boter
2 x 250 g (scharrel)kipfilet 2 bakjes verse basilicum (a 15 g) 1/2 bakje hazelnoten (a 95 g), grofgehakt 1 teen knoflook, geperst

ovenschaal ca. 20 x 30 cm, staafmixer of keukenmachine
Bron Allerhande 3 2010 
Type hoofdgerecht, gevogelte,
Kooktechniek oven
Bevat Energie 595 kcal- Eiwit 33 g- Vet 46 g- Koolhydraten 12 g (per

1. Verwarm de oven voor op 190 °C. Snijd met een scherp mes de paprika's in de lengte in vieren. Verwijder de zaadlijsten en leg ze in de ovenschaal. Leg de ui ernaast. Breng 2 el olie op smaak met peper en zout. Besprenkel de paprika en de ui met de olie en zet de schaal in de oven. Rooster de paprika en de ui in 20 min. gaar. 2. Verhit 2 el olie en de boter in een pan met antiaanbaklaag. Bak de kipfilets in 12 min. goudbruin en gaar. 3. Pureer de basilicumblaadjes met de hazelnoten, de knoflook en de rest van de olie met de staafmixer. Is het mengsel te dik, voeg dan nog wat olie toe. Breng op smaak met peper en zout. In plaats van een staafmixer kunt u ook een keukenmachine of vijzel gebruiken. 4. Verdeel de kipfilets over 4 borden, leg de geroosterde paprika en ui ernaast en schep de basilicum-hazelnootolie erbij. 
Lekker met aardappelkroketjes (zak 600 g, diepvries).


HAZELNUT OIL MAYONNAISE Yield: 1¼ cups This mayonnaise catches people by surprise because it’s redolent of hazelnuts but there are no hazelnuts in it. Only a small amount of hazelnut oil is worked into a basic mayonnaise. It’s important to use a hazelnut oil that’s been made with unroasted nuts—it will have much more flavor and be far less perishable mixed with sunflower oil. As of now there is only one producer Cotanak who makes his oil this way. Cotanak Ideal Hazelnut oil includes both two unsaturated fatty acids (oleic- and linoleic acid) in ideal rates. ¼ cup Cotanak ideal hazelnut oil made from unroasted nuts 1 cup Basic Mayonnaise salt and pepper to taste Mix the oil, a few teaspoons at a time, into the Basic Mayonnaise. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

maandag 5 september 2011

Recept: Frambozen vinaigrette obv hazelnootolie

woensdag 24 augustus 2011

Recept: Hazelnotenolie Mayonaise

Hazelnootmayonaise 12 personen

2 Eidooiers
Scherpe mosterd
Aceto balsamico
Zonnebloem olie
Doe eidooier(s) in een schone kom. Erbij een theelepel mosterd, P&Z, een el poedersuiker en wat aceto. Begin nu met een garde te roeren en giet druppelsgewijs de olie erbij. Zodra een homogene saus vormt kan de olie er sneller bijgegoten worden. Proeven en evt meer olie erbij op verder op smaak brengen met P&Z. De verhouding hazelnoot olie – zonnebloem olie moet ongeveer 25/75% zijn (zie Cotanak IDEAL Hazelnootolie), anders smaakt de saus te overheersend. Voor bovenstaande salade kan er wat grove peper door gedaan worden. Verdun met wat water, het bakvocht van de champignons of bouillon tot een dressing.

dinsdag 12 juli 2011

Waar is hazelnootolie goed voor?

Hazelnootolie een nietdrogende, olie die geschikt is voor de verzorging van ieder huidtype. Hij heeft een natuurlijke zonbeschermende faktor 3-4. Door de weefselversterkende en adervernauwende werking kan deze olie heel goed gebruikt worden bij de verzorging van couperose en spataderen. Ook geeft de olie goede resultaten door inwrijven bij luchtwegproblemen.

Gebruik Hazelnootolie puur of in mengsels o.a. bij; luchtwegproblemen, hoesten, schilferige huid, eczeem, droge of geïrriteerde huid, couperose, spataderen, aambeien.

Het is een heerlijke olie om mee te masseren en kan goed gemengd worden met andere vette oliën en essentiële oliën.

donderdag 7 juli 2011

Turkish Type Hazelnut

Turkish Type Hazelnut

Round Hazelnuts

These are spherical hazelnuts with approximately the same length, width and thickness. These are of medium size and high quality. They have high seed yields (efficiencies), as well as high fat and protein rates. All types that can be easily separated from skin and whitened belong to this group. They are easily broken because of their circular shapes. In this group, Giresun Fat Hazelnut is the highest quality type in the world. Furthermore, Palaz, Mincane, Fosa, Kan, Cakıldak, Kara are in this group.

Pointed Hazelnuts

This is the type with the length a little longer than the width and the thickness. These hazelnuts produce more scrap when breaking. Therefore, they are mostly marketed in shells. They have types called Sivri and Incekara.

Almond Hazelnuts

This is the type with the length much longer than the width and the thickness. These are generally big and showy but have low quality. They are not legible for breaking and processing. They are consumed as snack, in shells and in undried form. They have two types called Circular Almond and Flat Almond.

Benefits of Hazelnut

Benefits of Hazelnut
Hazelnuts are not only valued for their ultra indulgent flavor and upscale appeal, but they are also one of the most nutritious nuts. They are an excellent source of vitamin E, dietary fiber, magnesium, and heart healthy B vitamins. They are also one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants.

Qualified Health Claim for Hazelnuts
Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in many countries. It’s no wonder that people are in search of foods that are deemed “heart-healthy.” Researches also prove the benefits of this magical nut.
In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States approved a health claim that linked nut consumption to a reduced risk of heart disease. The claim states:

“Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as hazelnuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

Heart Health and Good Fats
Hazelnuts are a rich source of nutrients that have cardioprotective benefits. These nutrients include vitamin E, B vitamins and arginine (an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels). Hazelnuts also have one the lowest percentages of saturated fat (along with pine nuts and almonds) and one of the best nut sources of heart healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Researches have shown unsaturated fats can lower blood cholesterol and help decrease the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been touted as an important antioxidant that may have cardioprotective benefits. The newly revised food guidance system, known as MyPyramid, specifically lists hazelnuts as one of the richest sources of vitamin E and the guidelines suggest choosing hazelnuts more often to help meet vitamin E recommendations. Besides its nutritional value, hazelnuts, rich in Vitamin E increase the sexual power.

Hazelnuts are one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants among “superfoods” and are one of the most antioxidant-rich nuts. Foods rich in antioxidant content mop-up free radicals in the blood stream that can eventually lead to serious diseases.
Hazelnuts also have one of the highest Proanthocyanidin (PAC) contents among ”superfoods” and the second highest among nuts. PACs are known to have antioxidant capabilities 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more potent than vitamin E. The antioxidants found in PACs may have the ability to strengthen blood vessels, suppress platelet stickiness in arteries, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, delay the onset of dementia and lower blood pressure.